Tablets are the new devices for gaming, browsing and home entertainment. PC continues loses mindshare, and entertainment PC segment loses ground almost permanantly. No points for guessing the losers in this game - Microsoft, Intel and among the smaller players Adobe.
Mobile phones have almost eaten away the digital camera category, with sony, canon struggling. The next category to hit is obviously the TV industry. When screens turn touch friendly, it is hard to imagine how TV industry can remain unaffected. Power of touch and high resolution screens are likely to rock this industry. Fighting over which channel to play is common across households. TV is no longer a family entertainment device and in personal entertainment, there is no better element of interactivity than touch. What can happen? A few guesses.....
1. Online voting on current affairs programs, chat shows is very likely.
2. Movie makers will start experimenting with multiple storylines and tracks which audience can chose at run time.
3. In fact, fight sequences can merge with games to decide the outcome and next sequence in the movie can be based the outcome of the game. Audience can be an active participant in deciding the movie outcome. There comes the convergence between games and movies.
4. Online singing/dancing competition with automatic selection and winners from shortlisted candidates through votes within hours is possible.
And this is probably only a few years away.
What do you think? Do share your opinion.